Can ImuRegen Nucleotides Treat or Cure Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension, Gout, Myoma and other diseases? Can it help those with kidney, lever, lung and autoimmune problems? Is it Medicine?
Imuregen is NOT Medicine, it is a Nutritional or Functional Food supplement that supports our body's natural DNA repair, regeneration and development processes which helps in the overall good health of our body. By helping in this area it can be said that it contributes to overall good health.
This post seeks clear out some things about this wonderful product:
- ImuRegen is a Food Supplement. It is NOT Medicine! - ImuRegen is a special formulation of Complex Dietary Nucleotides, enzymes, amino acids that are intended to help our body's DNA Repair mechanisms.
- Since ImuRegen is Not Medicine - it is NOT intended to cure or treat any diseases such as Cancer, Diabeter, Hypertension, Gout, Myoma and other diseases. While there may be individuals sharing their personal experience on benefits they felt in using the product. These are their personal statements and not the official statements of Forever Healthy. Those claims or statements are not official releases from Forever Healthy and have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. So please take those statement with a grain of salt and do your research to verify these claims. The internet contains a lot of verified and unverified information. However these individuals may be sharing what they have experienced in the hope that they may inspire or give hope to others that there is something that can help others the way they experienced it. There are a lot of inspiring and touching stories. (Some of those who shared have experience in Breast Cancer, Brain Tumor, Diabetes, Alzheimer, Arthritis, Gout, Stroke, Neuropathy, Necropathy, Leukemia, Lupus, Auto-Immune problems, and others - saying in their own personal testament that their health improved).
- It provides Functional and Nutritional Support enabling our own body's built-in repair processes to do its work more efficiently and effectively by ensuring there is sufficient supply of the needed nucleotides, peptides, oligopeptides, amino acids, minerals and zinc.

So how does it help by supporting the body's own DNA repair, regeneration and development process:
- In the case of cancer, the product can help repair and regenerate the P53 cells which are very important in fighting cancer
- In cases where there are health problems related to blood pressure and circulation, it helps in repairing the blood vessels to allow smooth blood flow. A smooth flow means less chances of blockage which can lead to stroke or heart attacks.
- In cases to different body organ damage, it can help in assisting the stem cells of those organs grow and mature into normal healthy cells. The new healthy cells help restore the critical organ function which help ensure the normal and healthy functions of our body
- By providing the key nucleotides needed to build new healthy cells, Imuregen contributes to better health at the DNA level via nutritional and functional support
Now that those 2 things have been clarified. You may ask what makes ImuRegen special then.
- It is backed by more than 50+ years of research
- Thousands of Independent & third party Clinical Studies have been made to study & determine the benefits of Nucleotide supplementation
- It has a special formulation that was designed to provide all the necessary components that will help provide the body so that it can better carry out its DNA repair with increased effectiveness - boosting immunity and overall health.
- Part of the process to produce Imuregen is special 90-day extraction process to extract & produce it in 100% bioavailable form
- 100% Bio-Available means it is in a easy to absorb form such that there is less stress to the body. The product can be easily absorbed by the cells in our body
- It is all natural for a human compatible source
- It is backed by a wonderful team whose mission and vision is to help promote good health for everyone - by being DNA Wellness Influencers
Listen to what some medical doctors and experts say about the product in use, in order to help manage (not cure) & provide nutritional support for the following health conditions for overall good health:
For more information you can read our other article:
What is ImuRegen and
What are the 12 benefits as Highlighted by an Immunology expert.
NOTE: The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Always consult a licensed medical professional. Follow your doctor's advise.
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